Monday, June 11, 2012

Maybe You Should be Happy He Was Braver Than You

"Breakups happen because of personal incompatibility, and because important needs aren't being met over a long period of time."

Remember all the times you thought "is this the happiest I could be? Is this as good as it gets? Are we really meant to be?"

Those thoughts made you nervous because you built your life around him. So instead of examining them you blocked them out of your head, pushed them to the side.

[if only you could use the same mind control to get the thoughts of him out of your head now]

But he evidently had those same thoughts, too.  And he thought about them instead of pushing them aside.  And came to this conclusion.

The conclusion that three days ago felt like the most painful thing in the world.  And today, it still sucks, but a little bit less.  Sure you think about him constantly...but you made it through a 20 minute meeting without thinking about the breakup once.  Soon those minutes will turn into hours, then days, and eventually, he'll pop up just every once in awhile.

Anyway.  The point is that you had the SAME doubts. And as much as you love each other, you just weren't compatible.  And that's ok.  You'll be ok.  And one day, more than ok.

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