Monday, June 11, 2012

Remember the Moments When You Had Doubts, Too

It wasn't a fairy tale and I have to stop thinking that it was.  I had my doubts, too.  And although I loved him and was happy with him, is that really the happiest I was supposed to be?  In other words, do I believe deep down that that is as good as it gets?  No, I don't. I like to think there is something better out there.

It really hit me when i crosssed the finish line of my half marathon two weeks ago.  The course was packed with people who stood there for a long time just waiting to see their significant other pass by, just for a moment, and to cheer them on.

There were so many significant others waiting there with flowers or hugs for their boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse when they crossed the finish line. But not me, I was all alone.  I went into the expo center after where people were meeting up and I had no one to meet up with.  I stretched quickly, caught my breath, and had to walk back to the car by myself where Ricky was sleeping.

I was talking to my boss the other day who mentioned that his wife is an avid runner, while he is not.  He is there at the starting line for her.  Don't I deserve the same?

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